Habt ihr Ideen?
Wie kritisch man doch gegenüber dem System wird, wenn man älter wird...
org $01C510 ;\
db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; | Disable Items giving Status Bar Items
db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;/
org $00D129 ;\ Eliminate Powerdown Animation and jump to Flash Routine
db $EA,$EA,$EA,$80 ;/
org $00F600 ;\ Disable Powerup Taking when hurt
nop #$2 ;/
org $00F5F8 ;\ Disable Item Box getting used when hurt
nop #$4 ;/
LDA $19
BNE Return
JSL $00F606
!IntroLevel = $E9 ;Set Intro Level Number + #$24 (Setting to $00 will disable Intro)
!LifesatStart = $04 ; These are the lives you start with minus one
!Damage = $0012 ; Set Damage a regular Sprite deals (in Hex)
!StartMaxHealth = $0096 ; Max HP to start with (in Hex)
!StartMaxMP = $0F ; Set MP to start with (in Hex)
!RefillMPAfterDeath = $00 ; Set to $00 and your MP aren't refilled when you die
!LosePowerupAfterDeath = $01 ; Set to $00 to not lose your Powerup after Death
!MushroomHeal = $0019 ; Set HP a Mushroom restores (in Hex)
!MPHeal = $04 ; Set MP, a 1UP-Mushroom recovers (in Hex)
!FireballMP = $01 ; Set MP, a Fireball takes (In Hex)
!CapeMP = $01 ; Set MP, Flying takes per second (In Hex)
!FloatRequiresMP = $00 ; Set to $00 if you don't want Floating to require MP
!SpinMP = $00 ; Set MP, Cape-Spinning takes (in Hex)
!FlyReduceSpeed = $32 ; Set, how fast your MP are reduced while Flying ($32 = 1 second)
;Adress Defines (Touch only if you know what you're doing);
!freeram = $0060 ; Have to be TWO Bytes!
!displayram = $0062 ; Used for Status Bar
!bowserram = $0113 ; Used for removing Mario head in Bowser Battle
!checkram = $0DC4 ; Used for loading Initial Data
!powerupram = $0DC5 ; Used for saving Powerup when you die
!HurtFlag = $0670 ; $02 means Custom Damage, anything else means Normal Damage
!FlyTimer = $0671 ; Used for reducing MP while Flying
!Health = $010D ; Adress for storing current HP, have to be TWO Bytes!
!MaxHealth = $010F ; Adress for storing Maximum HP, have to be TWO Bytes!
!MP = $0111 ; Adress for storing current MP
!MaxMP = $0112 ; Adress for storing Maximum MP
!HealthSRAM = $700360 ; SRAM Adress for saving Health Data, have to be SIX Bytes!
!MaxHealthSRAM = $700366 ; SRAM Adress for saving Maximum Health Data, have to be SIX Bytes!
!MPSRAM = $70036C ; SRAM Adress for saving MP Data, have to be THREE Bytes!
!MaxMPSRAM = $70036F ; SRAM Adress for saving Maximum MP Data, have to be THREE Bytes!
!ItemSRAM = $700372 ; SRAM Adress for saving Item Data, have to be THREE Bytes!
!PowerupSRAM = $700375 ; SRAM Adress for saving Powerup Data, have to be THREE Bytes!
!LifesSRAM = $700378 ; SRAM Adress for saving Lifes
!freespace = $238200 ; < POINT TO FREE SPACE
org $00F5B2 ;\ When falling into a hole or lava
jsl CustomPitDeath ;/
org $00F5D5 ;\ Custom Damage Routine
jml hit ;/
org $00F606 ;\ Jump to Custom Death Routine
jml customdeath ;/
org $01C510 ;\
db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; | Disable Items giving Status Bar Items
db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ;/
org $00D129 ;\ Eliminate Powerdown Animation and jump to Flash Routine
db $EA,$EA,$EA,$80 ;/
org $00F600 ;\ Disable Powerup Taking when hurt
nop #$2 ;/
org $00F5F8 ;\ Disable Item Box getting used when hurt
nop #$4 ;/
org $05CF1B ;\
nop #3 ; |
; | Disable Bonus Game
; |
org $009E4B ; |
nop #3 ;/
org $008F9D ;\
jml $008FC5 ; |
nop ; |
; |
; |
org $009053 ; | Remove Bonus Stars from Status Bar
nop #3 ; |
; |
; |
org $009068 ; |
nop #3 ;/
org $01C524 ;\ Mushroom always gives Mushroom Power
db $00,$00,$00,$00 ;/
org $01C528 ;\ Flower always gives Flower Power
db $04,$04,$04,$04 ;/
org $01C52C ;\ Star always gives Star Power
db $02,$02,$02,$02 ;/
org $01C530 ;\ Feather always gives Feather Power
db $03,$03,$03,$03 ;/
org !freespace ;\
; |
db "STAR" ; | RATS-Tag
dw codeend-hit ; |
dw codeend-hit^#$FFFF ;/
hit: ;\
lda $19
bne code
lda #$01
sta $19
lda $19 ; |
cmp #$02
BCS Reducer
CustomPitDeath: ;\
lda $19 ; | Save Powerup when you fall into a hole
sta !powerupram ;/
customdeath: ;\
rep #$20 ; |
lda #$0000 ; |
sta !Health ; |
sep #$20 ; |
stz !HurtFlag ; |
lda #$90 ; |
sta $7D ; |
lda #$09 ; |
sta $1DFB ; | Custom Death Routine
lda #$FF ; |
sta $0DDA ; |
lda #$09 ; |
sta $71 ; |
stz $140D ; |
lda #$30 ; |
sta $1496 ; |
sta $9D ; |
stz $1407 ; |
stz $188A ; |
rtl ;/
lda #$38 ;\ Play Hurt Sound
sta $1DFc ;/
lda $0D9B ;\
cmp #$80 ; | Disable Knockback in Iggy/Larry Battles
beq NoKnockback ;/
lda #$D7 ;\
sta $7D ; |
; |
lda $76 ; |
bne other ; |
; |
lda #$29 ; |
sta $7B ; |
bra next ; | Knockback Code
; |
other: ; |
lda #$D7 ; |
sta $7B ; |
; |
next: ; |
; |
NoKnockback: ; |
; jml $00F5DD ;/
lda #$01
sta $19
itemreturn: ;\ Jump back to Main Code
jml $01C608 ;/