/* Mario 64 header file rev1 by messiaen.
** The information contained in this file is a compilation from many sources,
** especially Cellar Dweller's, Nagra's, Yoshielectron's notes along with
** original research by me. This is to be used with a C compiler targetting MIPS.
** You can a find tutorial on setting up a N64 MIPS-GCC Toolchain on Windows
** at
http://code.google.com/p/gzrt/wiki/Nint ... chainSetup (ZZT32 we lurve you)
** If you are using an *nix environment, check this Wiki for info about the
** appropriate MIPS-R4300i binutils:
** 0C 10 14 00 81 CE 0E 94 24 01 00 03 10 00 00 40 00 00 00 00
** You can contact me at the Jul SM64 Hacking forum @
//#include "math.h"
/* Constants - struct pointers */
#define M64_CURR_OBJ_PTR 0x80361160 /* Pointer to object being currectly processed */
#define M64_FIRST_OBJ_STRUCT 0x8033D488 /* Pointer to the first object (out of 240) in the circular linked list */
#define M64_MARIO_STRUCT 0x8033B170 /* you can read it from 0x8032d93c */
#define M64_MARIO_OBJ_PTR 0x80361158 /* Pointer to Mario OBJ struct in RAM */
#define M64_LEVEL_STRUCT 0x8033B90c
#define M64_OS_MSG_QUEUE 0x8033AF78 /* OS Message Queue pointer */
#define M64_4X4_MATRIX_PTR 0x80220CC0 /* Pointer to 4x4 matrix resulting from calculation */
/* Constants - misc pointers */
#define M64_DISPLAY_STATS_FLAGS 0x8032b26a
#define M64_SEGMENT_TABLE 0x8033b400
#define M64_CURRENT_LEVEL_ID 0x8032ddf8 /* u16 */
#define M64_GEO_LAYOUT_PTR_TABLE 0x8032ddc4 /* Pointer to pointer */
#define DEBUG_FLAG1 0x8032d598
/* graph flags */
#define BILLBOARD 4
#define INVISIBLE 0 /* recheck */
#define VISIBLE 1 /* recheck */
//library function:
extern int sprintf ( char * str, const char * format, ... );
/* Functions */
extern int CreateMessageBox(u16 flags, u16 rotate_to_mario, u16 type_of_dialog, u16 message_id);
/* CreateMessageBox */
/* return value = 0x00 -> dialog is happening */
/* 0x01 -> dialog is over (choice #1) */
/* 0x02 -> dialog is over (choice #2) */
/* 0x03 -> normal dialog is over */
/* type of dialog = 0xA1 -> save related (wing blocks?) */
/* 0xA2 -> regular dialog */
/* 0xA3 -> two choices */
/* You may want to set an wrapper function for */
/* CreateMessageBox (check yoshi.c for an example) */
extern int CreateStar(float x, float y, float z); /* returns pointer for spawned object */
extern void CopyObjParams(u32 *dest, u32 *source); /* copies X,Y,Z + rotation from another object */
extern void CopyObjPosition(u32 *dest, u32 *source);
extern void CopyObjRotation(u32 *dest, u32 *source);
extern void CopyObjScaling(u32 *dest, u32 *source);
extern int DeactivateObject(u32 obj_pointer); /* kills current object */
extern float DistanceFromObject(u32 object1, u32 object2); /* usually object 1 = (*Obj) and object 2 = Mario */
extern void DmaCopy(u32 dst, u32 bottom, u32 top);
extern void Copy32BitTrip(u32 dst, u32 src);
extern void ExplodeObject(u32 obj_ptr);
extern void PlaySound(u32 argument);
extern void HideObject(); /* hides current object by ORing 0x01 at offset 0x02 */
extern void UnHideObject(); /* ORs 0x10*/
extern int RotateTorwardsMario(int current_rotation, int rotation_speed, int arg2);
extern void ScaleObject(float global_scaling_factor);
extern void ScaleXYZ(u32 obj_pointer, float x, float y, float z);
extern void SetModel(u16 model_ID); /* change how the object looks */
extern int SetObjAnimation(u16 animation_index);
extern int ShakeScreen(u16 argument); /* argument = 1 to 4 (?) */
extern int SpawnObj(u32 obj_pointer, u16 model_id, u32 behavior); /* returns pointer for spawned object */
extern int SpawnObjAdv(u32 obj_pointer, float x, float y, float z, u32 obj_parentptr, u16 model_id, u32 behavior);
extern int CheckObjBehavior(u32 behavior_segmented_pointer); /* return 1 if behavior == arg, else 0 */
extern int CheckObjBehavior2(u32 obj_pointer, u32 behavior_segmented_pointer); /* return 1 if behavior == arg, else 0 */
extern void SetObjBehavior(u32 obj_pointer, u32 behavior_segmented_pointer); /* 0x802a14c4 */
extern int IsMarioStepping(); /* returns 1 if Mario is on TOP of a solid object, else 0 */
extern void ProcessCollision(); /* 0x803938cc, usually called from behaviors */
extern int SetMarioAction(u32 mario_struct_pointer, u32 action, u32 unk_arg); /* to Do: check return values */
extern int ProcessGeoLayout(u32 *dest, u32 segmented_address); /* 0x8037e0b4 */
extern void guFrustum(u32 m, float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f, float scale); /* Creates a frustum (perspective projection) projection matrix (fixed point) */
extern void guPerspective(u32 m, u16 perspNorm, float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far, float scale);
/* Music Related */
extern int SetMusic(u32 layer, u16 song_index, u32 a2); /* possible layers = 0 (main bgmusic), 1 (other musics) or 2 (sfx) */
extern int SetInstrument(u32 *chan_ptr, u8 instrument_index);
/* these functions need to be tested further */
extern void CreateTextBox(u16 msg_ID);
extern int PrintText(u32 x_pos, char *text, u32 fade); /* used in Credits. a2 = a float value ? */
extern void PrintRegularText(u32 x, u32 y, char *table_text_pointer); /* needs to be tested */
extern int StopMario(u16 arg); /* 1 = stop mario 2 = do nothing??
/* print functions */
extern void PrintInt (u16 x, u16 y, char* text, u32 value);
extern void PrintStr(u16 x, u16 y, char* text);
extern void PrintRegularText(u32 x, u32 y, char *table_text_pointer); /* needs to be tested more, used at credits?*/
extern void PrintXY(u16 x, u16 y, char* text);
/* memory functions */
extern int SegmentedToVirtual(u32 segmented_pointer); /* returns RAM pointer of a segmented address */
extern int GetSegmentBase(int segment);
extern int SetSegmentBase(int segment, void *base); /* sets segment pointer table */
extern u8 *DynamicIndexCopy(u32 index, u32 begin, u32 end, u32 what);
//extern void DecompressMIO0(void *src, void *dst);
/* N64 OS Functions */
extern int osEepromRead(u32 mg, u8 address, u8 *buffer); // ret = 0 -> normal termination, ret = -1 address out of range. Reads data from EEPROM.
extern int osEepromLongRead(u32 mg, u8 address, u8 *buffer, int nbytes);
extern int osEepromWrite(u32 mg, u8 address, u8 *buffer); // ret = 0 -> normal termination, ret = -1 address out of range. Writes data to EEPROM.
extern int osEepromLongWrite(u32 mg, u8 address, u8 *buffer, int nbytes);
extern int osEepromProbe(u32 mq); // 0x00 = no EEPROM loaded. 0x01 = EEPROM_TYPE_4K. 0x02 = EEPROM_TYPE_16K.
// EEPROM Checksum: 0x802792C0. BEQ R0, R0, 0x80279BB4 (80279BAC)
/* math stuff */
extern float sqrtf(float x);
extern float sinf(float x);
extern float cosf(float x);
/* =============================== */
typedef struct anim /* unfinishied */
u16 framecount; /* 0x08 */
u32 pointer; /* 0x0c */
u32 pointer2; /* 0x10 */
} Animation;
typedef struct anim2
u32 *AnimationDMATable; // 0xd1 items, each item 8 bytes in lenght
u32 Current_DMA; // not sure
u32 TargetAnimationPtr; // 0x80060030 - gets copied to MarioObj->animation (that's where's animation data is DMAed)
u32 padding;
} MarioAnimation;
extern int SetMarioAnimation(MarioAnimation *AnimStruct, u16 index); /* returns 1 if animation has changed, 0 if its the same as before) */
typedef struct Music2
u32 _0x00;
u32 _0x04;
u32 _0x08;
u32 _0x0c;
u32 _0x10;
u32 _0x14;
u32 _0x18;
u32 _0x1c;
f32 volume; /* 1 = 0x7f - 0x20 */
f32 _0x024_maybe_pan;
f32 _0x028;
f32 pitch_transposition;
u32 _0x30;
u32 _0x34;
u32 _0x38;
u32 instrument; /* pointer to instrument */
/* stuff missing here */
u32 Vibrato; /* 0x70 */
} ChannelStruct;
typedef struct Music1
u32 _0x00;
u32 _0x04;
u16 _0x08;
u16 tempo; /* 0x0a */
u32 _0x0c;
u32 _0x10;
u32 pointer_seq_head;
f32 volume;
u32 _0x1c;
f32 _0x20;
f32 _0x24;
u32 _0x28;
ChannelStruct *Channel[15];
u32 _0x7c_sequence_pointer;
} MusicController; /* Layer 0 = 0x80222618 */
typedef struct collision_triangle
u16 collision_type; /* check collision.txt */
u16 _0x02;
u8 flag;
u8 _0x05;
s16 ymin;
s16 ymax;
s16 vertex1_x, vertex1_y, vertex1_z; /* 0x0a */
s16 vertex2_x, vertex2_y, vertex2_z; /* 0x10 */
s16 vertex3_x, vertex3_y, vertex3_z; /* 0x16 */
float normal_x;
float normal_y;
float normal_z;
float negdot;
u32 _0x2c; /* unused? */
} CollisionTriangle;
typedef struct pad_struct /* from nagra */
s16 stick_x;
s16 stick_y;
float x;
float y;
float z;
u16 currentButton; /* 0x10 */
u16 previousButton;
u32 *statusData; /* 0x14 */
u32 *controllerData; /* 0x18 */
} Pad;
typedef struct camera_struct /* mario->camera (0x8033C520) */
u32 mario_action; /* copied from mario->action */
float x; /* also copied from Mario struct */
float y;
float z;
s16 _0x10_mario_0x2c; /* 0x10 */
u16 rotation; /* again copied from Mario struct */
s16 _0x14_mario_0x30;
s16 _0x16_mario_0x32;
u32 _0x18;
u16 _0x1c;
u16 camera_setting; /* 0x06 = door opening 0x09 = triggers initial peach animation */
/* incomplete, many other members left ?? */
} Camera;
typedef struct level_struct /* 0x8033B90c, from Cellar Dweller's notes */
s16 _0x00;
s16 terrain_type;
u32 geo_layout_ptr;
u32 collision_ptr;
u32 _0x0c;
u32 mini_objects_ptr; /* 0x10 pointer to an array of objects defined by command 0x39 */
u32 warp_links_head;
u32 _0x18;
u32 _0x1c;
u32 *objects_head; /* 0x24 objects linked list head */
u32 LevelCameraPointer; /* Level Camera Pointer (generated at run-time) */
u32 _0x28;
u32 _0x2c;
u32 _0x30;
u8 _0x34; /* set by level command 0x30 */
u8 _0x35;
s16 music_param; /* 0x36 */
s16 music_param2; /* 0x38 title screen,etc) */
/* more? */
} Level;
typedef struct object_struct /* Regular objects, Mario also has its own struct like this */
u16 graph_node_type; /* 0x00 */
u16 graph_flags;
struct object_struct *prev; /* previous linked list object */
struct object_struct *next; /* next linked list object */
u32 graph_parent;
u32 graph_child; /* 0x10 */
u32 geo_layout_ptr; /* 0x14 */
u32 _0x18;
u32 _0x1c;
float _0x20; /* 0x20 */
float _0x24;
float _0x28;
float x_scaling; /* 0x2c */
float y_scaling; /* 0x30 */
float z_scaling;
u16 _0x38;
u16 _0x3a;
u32 animation; /* 0x3c - current animation */
u16 anim_current_frame; /* 0x40 */
u16 anim_timer; /* timer, animation related? */
u16 anim_current_frame_copy;
u16 _0x46;
u32 _0x48;
u32 _0x4c;
u32 matrix_ptr; /* 0x50 */
float float_0x54;
float float_0x58;
float float_0x5c;
struct object_struct *next_object_ptr; /* 0x60: re-check this */
u32 _0x64;
struct object_struct *next_object_ptr2; /* 0x68: re-check this (child_obj) */
u32 _0x6c;
u32 _0x70; /* 0x70 */
u16 active; /* 0x0000 = inactive, 0x0101 = active */
u16 _0x76; /* collision flag according to YE */
struct object_struct *collided_obj_ptr; /* according to YE, pointer to object collided with */
u32 _0x7c;
u32 _0x80; /* 0x80 */
u32 _0x84;
u32 _0x88;
u32 obj_flags;
u32 _0x90; /* 0x90 */
u32 _0x94;
u32 _0x98;
u32 _0x9c;
float x_pos; /* 0xa0 */
float y_pos;
float z_pos;
float x_speed; /* x increment? */
float y_speed; /* 0xb0 */
float z_speed; /* z_increment? */
float speed;
u32 _0xbc;
u32 _0xc0; /* 0xc0 */
u32 x_rotation; /* 0xc4 - rotation triplet */
u32 y_rotation; /* 0xc8 */
u32 z_rotation;
u32 x_rotation2; /* rotation copy (collision?) 0xd0 */
u32 y_rotation2; /* 0xd4 */
u32 z_rotation2;
u32 _0xd8;
u32 _0xe0; /* 0xe0 */
float _0xe4; /* gravity related? y_speed - 0xe4 ? */
u32 _0xe8;
u32 _0xec;
u32 _0xf0; /* 0xf0 */
u32 _0xf4; /* obj type for some behaviors (ie, ice bully), for AMPS, radius of rotation */
u32 _0xf8;
u32 _0xfc;
u32 _0x100; /* 0x100 */
u32 _0x104;
u32 _0x108;
u32 _0x10c;
u32 _0x110; /* 0x110 */
u32 _0x114;
u32 _0x118;
u32 _0x11c;
u32 animation_ptr; /* 0x120 = (set by 0x27 26 behavior command) entry for animation? */
u32 _0x124; /* in some behaviors, action related? */
float _0x128;
float _0x12c;
u32 interaction; /* 0x130
00 = Something Solid. Can't grab. Mario walks around, Can jump over.
01 = Crashed when jumping at it, Used by Hoot.
02 = Grabbing
04 = Going through door
08 = Knocks mario back and dissappears. No damage.
10 = Something Solid, Can't grab, Mario walks around, Can't jump over, Seems somewhat thin..
40 = Climbing
u32 _0x134;
u32 _0x138;
u32 _0x13c;
u32 _0x140; /* 0x140 */
u32 behav_param; /* behav param */
u32 _0x148;
u32 action;
u32 _0x150; /* 0x150 = also reset when action changes */
u32 timer; /* always incremented. When action changes, it's set to 0 */
float _0x158;
float distance_from_mario;
u32 _0x160; /* 0x160 */
float _0x164_x;
float _0x168_y;
float _0x16c_z;
float _0x170; /* 0x170 */
float _0x174;
u32 _0x178;
u32 transparency;
u32 damage_to_mario; /* According to YE, "How many segments of damage to do to Mario for objects that cause him harm" */
u32 health; /* Health (ie, for King bob-omb and whomp */
u32 behav_param2; /* re-check */
u32 previous_action; /* used to reset the 0x154 timer */
u32 _0x190; /* 0x190 */
float collision_distance; /* NOTE: if collision_distance < disappear_distance then disappear_distance = collision_distance */
u32 _0x198;
float drawing_distance;
u32 _0x1a0; /* 0x1a0 */
u32 _0x1a4;
u32 _0x1a8;
u32 _0x1ac;
u32 _0x1b0; /* 0x1b0 */
u32 _0x1b4;
u32 _0x1b8;
u32 _0x1bc;
u32 _0x1c0; /* 0x1c0 */
u32 _0x1c4;
u32 _0x1c8;
u32 script_ptr;
u32 stack_index; /* 0x1d0 */
u32 stack;
u32 _0x1d8;
u32 _0x1dc;
u32 _0x1e0; /* 0x1e0 */
u32 _0x1e4;
u32 _0x1e8;
u32 _0x1ec;
u32 _0x1f0; /* 0x1f0 */
u16 _0x1f4;
u16 _0x1f6;
float col_sphere_x;
float col_sphere_y;
float _0x200; /* 0x200 */
float _0x204;
float _0x208;
u32 behavior_script_entry;
u32 _0x210; /* 0x210 */
u32 collide_obj_ptr; /* pointer to another object (collision happening)?.
Can be used to detect if Mario is on top of the object by comparing
value with Mario's pointer */
u32 collision_ptr; /* set by behavior script (0x2A command) */
u32 _0x21c;
u32 _0x220; /* 0x220 */
u32 _0x224;
u32 _0x228;
u32 _0x22c;
u32 _0x230; /* 0x230 */
u32 _0x234;
u32 _0x238;
u32 _0x23c;
u32 _0x240; /* 0x240 */
u32 _0x244;
u32 _0x248;
u32 _0x24c;
u32 _0x250; /* 0x250 */
u32 _0x254;
u32 _0x258;
u32 behav_param_copy_ptr;
} Object;
typedef struct mario_struct /* 8033b170 */
u32 status;
u32 flags; /* cap & other flags */
u32 _0x08;
u32 action; /* see Romanian Girl list */
u32 previous_action; /* 0x10 */
u32 _0x14;
u16 _0x18;
u16 _0x1a;
u32 _0x1c;
float _0x20; /* 0x20 */
u16 _0x24; /* rotation related, if bit 1 of status is set, 0x24 is copied to 0x2e */
s16 hitstun; /* hitstun counter (how long Mario stays invencible after getting hit */
u32 _0x28;
s16 _0x2c;
u16 rotation; /* divide it by 180 to get the angle? */
s16 _0x30; /* 0x30 */
s16 _0x32;
u32 _0x34;
u32 _0x38;
float x_pos; /* 0x3c */
float y_pos; /* 0x40 */
float z_pos;
float x_speed;
float y_speed;
float z_speed; /* 0x50. The next four floats are related to speed/acelleration */
float speed;
float _0x58;
float _0x5c;
u32 _0x60; /* 0x60 */
u32 _0x64;
CollisionTriangle *curr_collision_triangle; /* current triangle mario is stepping in */
float _0x6c;
float ground_y; /* 0x70 - ground Y */
u32 _0x74;
u32 _0x78;
u32 _0x7c;
u32 _0x80; /* 0x80 */
u32 _0x84;
Object *MarioObj;
u32 _0x8c_ptr;
u32 Mario_level_command; /* 0x90 = 8033b4b0 = Information read from the Level command that sets Mario*/
Camera *camera;
u32 _0x98_ptr; /* 0x8033B3B0 */
Pad *pad; /* pointer to controller struct controller 1 = 8033AF90 controller2 = 8033AFAC*/
MarioAnimation *MarioAnimationStruct; /* 0x8033B080 */
u32 _0xa4;
s16 coins; /* 0xa8 */
s16 stars; /* 0xaa */
s16 lifes; /* 0xac */
s16 power; /* 0xae */
u16 constant_ground_distance; /* usually 0xBD */
u16 misc_timer; /* on any value other than zero it will decrease until zero (also, drains mario energy?) */
u32 cap_timer;
u32 _0xb8;
float _0xbc;
float _0xc0; /* 0xc0 */
} MarioStruct;