Lunar Magic 1.90 draußen! (1.91)

geschrieben am 25.09.2011 11:57:37
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Wie erwartet, am elften Geburtstag von LM. Vielen herzlichen Dank, FuSoYa.
Neuerungen: Unter anderem ein runderneuerter Map16-Editor mit dutzenden neuen Funktionen, sowie einige neue Optionen im Overworld-Editor.

Mehr Infos überall, zum Beispiel hier.
geschrieben am 25.09.2011 14:19:52
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Super FuSoYa!
´s gibt badische und unsymbadische

Was?! Die Signaturlänge wurde auf 1024 Zeichen beschränkt? #notmysignaturelength
geschrieben am 25.09.2011 14:39:14
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Heilige Scheiße O-o Das ding ist unglaublich er hat endlich das eingebaut was ich schon immer haben wollte <3 Zum Beispiel wenn man die Wolken aus dem Hintergrund haben will muss man nicht mehr eine halbe Stunde lang jedes Teil einzeln "Act like tile 25"-igen sondern man kopiert einfach die Map16 Page und kann die ganze Seite ändern :3 Es ist UNGLAUBLICH!
geschrieben am 25.09.2011 15:09:35
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Yeah ich freu mich auch gerade wie ein Lebkuchen nach Weihnachten.
Endlich kann man den Background kopieren,also 16x16 Map Editor.MAl sehen was es noch für schon neue Extras gibt.
geschrieben am 25.09.2011 16:11:30
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Changelog anzeigen
Zitat von Readme:

3. What's New

Version 1.90 September 24, 2011 (11 year Anniversary of Lunar Magic!!)

-replaced the Map16 editor with a new one that features multiple tile
selection, reload/save and undo/redo buttons, 2x zoom, 8x8 and
palette remapping capabilities, an 8x8 mode with an 8x8 tile
selector, etc. This release also introduces a new .map16 file
format intended to replace the old generic .bin files that were
used in previous versions for exporting/importing single pages of
Map16 data. The new files can hold variable amounts of tiles, can
optionally be imported to the same location they were exported from,
and multiple files can be imported at once. There are also 2 new
buttons allowing you to export/import all the Map16 data for all
tilesets from/to a single file. LM remains backward compatible
with both loading and saving the older raw .bin Map16 data files.
-added a feature to double left click on a tile in the level or
background editors to select it in the Map16 editor, and you can
also double left click on a tile in the Map16 editor to select it
in the 8x8 editor.
-removed being able to paste the current page from the Map16 editor
into the background editor with Ctrl+Shift+Insert, as the new Map16
editor makes it unnecessary.
-added a new "Add Offset to Background Tiles" menu item to the level
menu, which allows adding or subtracting an offset from all tiles in
the background, much like F9 does to selected tiles in the
background editor. Also made this function able to change the BG
Map16 bank setting automatically when needed.
-added a new "Remap Direct Map16" menu item to the edit menu, which
can remap specified Direct Map16 objects in a level to others in
case you've moved the original Map16 tiles to a different location.
-made it possible to set Luigi's starting position on the overworld
to a different location than Mario's.
-added an option to the overworld editor that allows disabling the
original game's path fade effect, which frees up colors 1-7 of
palettes 0-3 and C-F, and GFX slots SP3 + SP4. Also added a setting
to control the path revealing speed when this option is used.
-expanded the overworld's layer 1 Map16 data to 2 full pages. Tiles
on the second page will generally act like tiles on the first page.
-included an ASM hack from DW:TLC that expands the number of
overworld pipe and star indexes to 0x80.
-updated the overworld editor so that if the tile that replaces the
top of a castle when destroyed is edited, the game will correctly
display the edited tile in the destruction sequence.
-added an entry to the options menu to allow using an alternate GFX
Bypass dialog that lets you type in the GFX files to use instead
of selecting from a list. Previously this option could only be
changed by pressing Shift-F4.
-added using Control-Alt-Left/Right click in the palette editor for
copy/pasting an entire row.
-added a "Paste all Slots" button to the Exanimated Frames dialog
which pastes all copied slots to the same slots they came from,
and moved the "Insert all Slots" button to the side.
-made it possible to use text labels for custom sprite tile
arrangements, which appear the same way that LM shows certain
sprite commands. Check the help file for more details.
-added a prompt to create an IPS patch after locking a hack.
-changed some code so that applying an IPS patch of a locked hack to
a ROM will cause LM to close the ROM after patching instead of
closing the program. But for convenience you can still use F4 to
run the previously open ROM in your emulator. Thanks goes out to
GlitchMr for bringing this up.
-made a slight adjustment to sprite 61 in LM so it will appear the
same way in the editor as it will in the game. Thanks goes out to
GlitchMr for pointing this out.
-made the edit controls in the Exanimated Frames dialog slightly
larger to allow entering all digits for direct offsets. Thanks
goes out to imamelia for reporting this.
-fixed a bug from 1.80 where having auxiliary .msc .dsc etc files
with a size of 0 bytes would cause LM to crash if creating a full
restore point. Thanks goes out to iRhyiku for submitting the data
that helped figure this out.
-fixed a bug from 1.80 where the restore point created by locking a
hack was invalid.
-fixed a bug from 1.70 where opening an mwl file with an unmodified
background could sometimes cause LM to display the background using
the wrong BG Map16 bank (although if saved to the ROM, the correct
setting would still be preserved and used when the level was
reloaded). Thanks goes out to Ultimaximus for reporting this.
-fixed a bug from 1.64 where locking a hack prevented LM from opening
any other ROMs and had to be closed.
-fixed a bug from 1.50, where if the gameplay table in the ROM was
corrupted for any reason (like the user overwriting it with a
patch), Lunar Magic could crash while moving the mouse cursor over
a block that referenced the invalid data. Also fixed a similar
bug from 1.30 in the old Map16 editor where it could crash while
right-clicking to copy a tile with the invalid data.
-fixed a minor display issue from 1.20, where edits to the Map16
tiles that make up a pipe would not be displayed in the main level
editor until you either saved the changes to the ROM or changed
the pipe view index.
-changed window border style setting for main and overworld editor
as apparently Win7 doesn't handle that border type on application
windows when Aero is enabled. This had resulted in weirdness from
Aero like the caption/title bar of the window being partially
offscreen when maximized, and the inner window border occasionally
appearing as unerased pixels.
geschrieben am 25.09.2011 16:19:45
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Gott sei dank kann ich Englisch.Danke FuSoYa
geschrieben am 25.09.2011 18:47:52
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Zitat von Thomahawk791:
Gott sei dank kann ich Englisch.

Yep, deine Signatur bestätigt dies.
Die überarbeitete Map-16 Fenster sind das beste was Lunar Magic je passieren konnte!
´s gibt badische und unsymbadische

Was?! Die Signaturlänge wurde auf 1024 Zeichen beschränkt? #notmysignaturelength
geschrieben am 27.12.2011 8:48:57
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Doppelpost und Bump in einem!

Lunar Magic 1.91


Changelog anzeigen
Version 1.91 December 25, 2011

-fixed a bug from 1.70 in smkdan's VRAM patch where dynamic changes
(such as coin collection) on layer 2 were not always displayed if
layer 1 and 2 scrolling were not in sync, and another bug where a
column of garbage tiles could appear under rare circumstances.
Thanks goes out to smkdan for submitting the fixes for his patch,
and Zeldara109 for reporting the coin issue.

-added a new "Prefer Saving in 2MB+ ROM area" option to the options
menu, which is on by default. This will cause Lunar Magic to
first try saving data and code past the 2MB mark in the ROM before
using earlier space, but only if the ROM is already larger than
2MB. This will help save space below bank 40 for less versatile
3rd party ASM patches/tools to use, as many of them unfortunately
do not take bank 40+ into account and will malfunction without
warning when installed there.

-added a new "Check Object Placement on Save to ROM" option to the
options menu, which will warn if an object is placing tiles beyond
the viewable level area into unsafe SNES RAM locations which could
cause various issues during gameplay.

-added a new "Export Title Moves Playback Data" menu command to the
overworld editor, to allow exporting existing title screen playback
data from a ROM back into a Zsnes savestate, so it can be
transferred to a different ROM.

-added a new "Edit Manual" command to the edit menu, which allows
manually modifying existing objects/sprites. You can also
Alt-Right click on an object or sprite to use this.

-added the ability to remap 16x16 gameplay "act as" settings in the
new Map16 editor using the remap button.

-added a warning message to be displayed when attempting to use
Lunar Magic on a ROM that has already been edited by a newer
version of the program.

-saved the new Map16 editor's zoom setting to the registry.

-enabled the new Map16 editor to use the "translucent text and
outlines" option from the main editor, but set the translucency
level a bit lower than what's used in the main editor.

-enabled using Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y keyboard shortcuts in the new Map16
editor for undo/redo.

-tweaked some code so that the new double clicks introduced in LM
1.90 also count as regular clicks.

-added text search to the Add Sprite/Object windows, which you can
activate just by typing.

-added support for non-256 color bitmaps when using custom toolbar
images, and support for using images larger than 16x16 for the
toolbar buttons.

-added sprites A0, A1 and A9 (Bowser Scene, Bowser's Bowling Ball,
Reznor) to sprite list.

-added a few alternate sprite GFX file suggestions to tileset
specific sprites in Add Sprites window.

-adjusted sprite 33 (Vertical Fireball) in LM to include some bits
of fire dropping off it, at Zeldara109's suggestion.

-horizontally flipped sprite 2C (Yoshi Egg) in LM so it will appear
the same way in the editor as it will in the game. Thanks goes
out to Wiimeiser for discovering this.

-adjusted palette used for sprite 45 (Directional Coin) in LM so it
will appear the same way in the editor as it will in the game.
Thanks goes out to andy_k_250 for reporting this.

So schön kann der Morgen starten! ^_^
´s gibt badische und unsymbadische

Was?! Die Signaturlänge wurde auf 1024 Zeichen beschränkt? #notmysignaturelength
geschrieben am 27.12.2011 12:36:10
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Tja, schön, schön.

Laut imamelia scheint noch ein ziemlich schwerwiegender Fehler im neuen ASM-Code zu sein (wenn es denn an LM liegt) - am besten abwarten, was FuSoYa sagt.
geschrieben am 28.12.2011 14:40:37
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Passt das zum Thema?
Brutal Mario ist out.Spielt mal SMW FreedoMN,1Updudes-Hacks,The Devious Four Chronicles oder Chomps Attacke!
geschrieben am 28.12.2011 15:43:53
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Ja, stimmt, das wird die beste und wichtigste Neuerung im neuen LM sein.

Der von imamelia beschriebene Bug hat übrigens nichts mit LM zu tun, sondern mit dem "Sprite Status Bar"-Patch. Hurra.
geschrieben am 29.12.2011 10:19:40
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Ich wusste garnicht, dass so ein Glitch existiert (Nunja, Layer 2 Level zu machen hasse ich ja so oder so), gut das er gefixt wurde.

Und zum Video, wie heißt diese Music am Anfang vom Level? Die kommt mir bekannt vor...
Wie kritisch man doch gegenüber dem System wird, wenn man älter wird...
geschrieben am 29.12.2011 16:03:36
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"Lava Reef Zone" aus Sonic & Knuckles.