EDIT: Die Koopa sehen in den Leveln danach auch anders aus (siehe Bild 1)
; "Vertical Auto Scroll" generator
; By Jimmy52905
; Fixed by yoshicookiezeus
; Uses first extra bit: YES
; If extra bit is set, the generator makes the screen scroll downwards instead of upwards
STOP dcb $10 ; screen number the sprite should stop at when scrolling downwards
dcb "INIT"
dcb "MAIN"
JSR Main
; Main sprite code
LDA $9D ;\ If sprites are locked...
BNE Return ;/ Go to "Return".
LDA $13 ;\
LSR A ; |
BCC Return ;/ Only run code every other frame.
STZ $1412 ; Disable Vertical Scroll so that the code can run properly.
LDA $18B9 ;\ If the first extra bit is set...
AND #$40 ; |
BNE Down ;/ Go to "Down".
STZ $55 ; Make sure that new tiles are uploaded from the top of the screen
LDA $1464 ;\
ORA $1465 ; |If the screen position is at the top of the level...
BEQ Return ;/ Go to "Return".
REP #$20 ; 16-bit (accumulator).
DEC $1464 ; Make the screen scroll upwards automatically.
SEP #$20 ; 8-bit (accumulator).
RTS ;Return from Subroutine.
LDA #$02 ;\ Make sure that new tiles are uploaded from the bottom of the screen
STA $55 ;/
LDA $1465 ;\ If the screen position is at screen 10 (last screen of a vertical layer 2 level)...
BEQ Return ;/ Go to "Return".
REP #$20 ; 16-bit (accumulator).
INC $1464 ; Make the screen scroll downwards automatically.
SEP #$20 ; 8-bit (accumulator).
RTS ;Return from Subroutine.